National 125 Sailing Association

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Advice on repairs
Hi all

I've bought a 125 to learn to sail in and take part in some fun races. It needs a few repairs though. 2-pak on hull needs repainting, a few new fittings and the attachment point for the mainsail has snapped off of the top of the mast (?name -plate with eye that fits in mast).
where can I get parts in brisbane(particularly for mast part)?
Any good websites for diy boat advice(applying 2-pak to hull)?

Also, if I fit a sepatate forstay so I can raise/lower jib independently is it still ok to race?



jez17-Apr-2008    Edit    Delete 
Re: Advice on repairs
Firstly welcome to 125's :). your questions are too difficult to answer in a discussion board post. Drop me an email or give me a call and I will be able to point you in the right direction.

My contact numbers are
3120 6800 Wk
0438 129 779 Mob

Grant Steinback
President QLD 125 Association

P.S. a few of us are doing the frostbite series at RQYS so if you would like to have a look at some other boats and ask some questions please come down. Give me a call before you do and I'll get down there early to answer any questions that you have.
Grant Steinback17-Apr-2008    Edit    Delete 

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