National 125 Sailing Association

125 Discussion Forum

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What is the best paint type?
Could anyone advise what's the best paint type & preparation for a wooden 125's hull.

Many Thanks
Daniel Cooper22-Mar-2011    Edit    Delete 
Re: What is the best paint type?
Hi Daniel
I am no expert in regards to paint as I always had someone else do it, but I recall 2 pack was delux back in the day....I guess it depends how flash you want it to be.
I am sure someone can help with this one?
Altenatively, contact someone from your State Association and they will be able to direct you to the right person.
Andrew Tailor29-Mar-2011    Edit    Delete 
Re: What is the best paint type?
Daniel, unless the hull has been sheathed in fibreglass, you will need to use a 1pak paint. Timber has too much flex for 2pak and it may crack / degrade. Norglass Weatherfast or International have good quality 1pak products readily available from discount marine stores.
Greg M30-Mar-2011    Edit    Delete 

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