National 125 Sailing Association

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Replying to:Recent purchase a few questions
Hello, I recently purchased a 125, sailed her for a week at Loch Sport, which was great. I have noticed that the mast angle leans aft and the resulting angle makes the boom drop very low at the end and the leach of the sail is not taught. Any recommendations on fixing the angle ? The shrouds are as far forward as they can go, the forestay is as tight as I can get it. The mast is in the furthest aft setting on the deck..would the angle of the spreaders make a difference ? Another question is about reefing, I would like to reduce the mainsail area so I can take the kids out easily when the wind is up. I was thinking of a couple of reefing cringles above the existing clew and tack so I can slab reef. Has anybody had any success with this ? any recommendations on a sailmaker ? Or a used mainsail with reefing points on the market ? Thanks guys