National 125 Sailing Association

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Replying to:leaky 125, to buy or not to buy
Hi, I looked at a 125 today which has a minor leak and requires a new rudder. Apparantly the leak may be from an old rubber seal near the daggerboard and it leaks at a rate of only a few litres over half an hour of sailing. Is this a red flag in terms of warning me not to buy the boat. The current owner is allowing me to take the boat out over the weekend to see how bad the leak is and how well it sails. Also the rudder needs replacing, roughly how much is this likely to cost? The boat is relatively cheap and needs a bit of tlc (obviously). The boat is just for me to teach my fiancee how to sail, so doesn't need to be lean and mean, just needs to stay afloat and have all the necessary bits and bobs to show her the ropes. Apologies for the broad and somewhat vague questions! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Rob