National 125 Sailing Association

125 Discussion Forum

Please note: This forum is read by a wide group of 125 sailors.
This is not the place for personal attacks or inappropriate comments on anyones race, sex, age or sailing abilities.

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Replying to:Class Support
Good to see there is always plenty of assitance being offered in this class, more than other classes, howerver in a public forum like this where potential new owners are looking and reading all comments. I dont feel it is constructive for negativity to be continuously posted. As a recent boat owner and newbie to the class , but not sailing, i beleive that some things should be left alone. And no matter how passionate about the classs some people may be , yes some things do change over time, as in life not every one can be pleased. Sailing a boat is a competative sport where we all are wanting to improve otherwise we'd still be making Timber hulls ( i think not). The association is healthy dispite calls from some people that the class is all but doomed , due to a little improvement. Every time i read the doomed comments and the negativity i feel like selling my boat and leaving the class and the friendships i have already made.