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Replying to:Swing rudder
Hi all. New to 125 sailing. Come from a catamaran/trailer sailor background mostly. Our recently purchased 125 has the traditional swing rudder, with a stainless steel bolt and washer holding it down. I believe that this is the usual set up. To ease in lowering and raising, is it permitted to use a "Pull down Line" with tiller cleat to pull and hold the rudder in the down position. Rather than leaning over and putting a bolt with washer and nut on, while trying to keep the boat upright, going in the direction you want, and most importantly, not dropping the bolt, nut and/or washer in the drink! I have seen the discussion on dagger rudder set ups. Having experience with daggers on the cats, I much prefer the swing design. (One of the reason we went for the 125, with swing centreboard. I think from memory the Laser has a similar rudder, with a pull down line and tiller cleat. But cant be sure. If I modify the rudder to have a pull down line and tiller cleat, would it still comply with the rules? Has anybody ever built a 125 with a pull down line on the rudder? Happy Sailing