National 125 Sailing Association

125 Discussion Forum

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Replying to:Lack of notice of Vic championships
I sail regularly at Parkdale. Last year at the VIC championships I joined the association and never have I received a email or newsletter. There has been NO advertising of this year state championships either directly to members or to clubs. I never have received notices about the nationals championships. If this class is to grow and develop it need to do better promotion. One of the pacer skippers tells me that 125 s are a dying class. I think he is right. It is not due to the boat which I think is great but due to lack of publicity and organisation.. I offered to help last year but not one took up that offer. I am not going to the Vic championships this year as we made bookings for other events in the march long weekend given we had no notice of any events. We are making arrangements for our Christmas new year as we need to make bookings. Is there a national championships. If so I need to get notices soon before we confirm our Christmas bookings.