National 125 Sailing Association

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Replying to:Help with Jib tracks
This message has been reproduced with permission from Andrea. An email was recieved as below. Hi Barry At the last Winter training session at Elwood we (Andrea & Stephen) took our boat along to have it looked at. One of the issues we discovered was that our fair lead track needs to be re positioned and you said to Stephen and myself that you had a drawing of the positioning of the track in relation to the jib sheet pulley and the jib sheet cleat. We also wanted to check the positioning of the fair lead track to make sure we have the correct measurement. On the Saturday we measured another boat and the masurements were 1950 from bow to track and 1980 from stern to track. Our measurements don't quite match this on my boat so we were wondering is there a more important measurement to take - Bow to track or stern to track. Please advise. Thank you for your assistance