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Return to the Forum List Buying a spinnaker | I am looking to set up a spinnaker for an old 125 that I bought to help my 10 year daughter learn to sail. It did not have a spinnaker. She has done well and is very comfortable sailing and loves the trapeze. If she get serious about sailing and wants to race then we might buy a better boat and I will give up racing in a friend's 33 foot yacht. For now I want something that does not cost too much.
Where would be the best place to buy a spinnaker and pole. Are there any guides about setting up a spinnaker system? i.e. rope lengths etc. I am only familiar with setups on bigger boats.
A old second hand one would be fine but I would consider new if the cost is not too much. I am in Melbourne. I have put an ad in the classifieds section also. Any help would be appreciated.
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| Re: Buying a spinnaker | Hi Bruce,
If you are using a chute, which I would suggest you do to help to make it easier for your daughter then your halyard should go bow back through the chute and the from the back of the centre case then forward to the mast and then up to your pulley and back down to the bow and this would give you a good length. Topping lift for the pole should go from the back of the centre case and forward and up the mast to the pulley and back down to the boom goose neck. I have a Spinnaker and pole I could sell you for $ 398.00. The spinnaker is dark blue and only sailed in 6 races so it is like new. Please call if you are interested 0439 100 170
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