National 125 Sailing Association

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125 Nationals Update!
How is the interest in the Adelaide Nationals from outside WA? At this stage about 11 boats are confirmed from Perth with a few more likely from Esperance ... so hopefully around 15 boats will be the WA contingent - not too bad considering it's a 2700km drive! just to set the record straight: Adelaide is 2100km from Brisbane, 1500km from Sunshine, and 720km from Melbourne.
Grant Musto12-Nov-2004    Edit    Delete 
Re: 125 Nationals Update!
hey grant,
a few boats here are talking of going but nothing is certain yet! maybe 3-4 banna benders might turn up..
won't say who though becasue that might spoil the surprise!!!

wonder how many VICs will go???

i heard a rumor that you were going to sail a fast, good looking yellow boat in adelaide....true?? :)
anyway good to see some people are using this forum... thats what it's here for.

chris ando
Chris Ando14-Nov-2004    Edit    Delete 
Re: 125 Nationals Update!
At present we are expecting around 10 boats will be sailing from Victoria. The actual boats and numbers are varying a bit as boats are built and family commitments are sorted out.
Alison Penington - Vic. Secretary
Alison Penington17-Nov-2004    Edit    Delete 
Re: 125 Nationals Update!
Chris is right, there is a very fast yellow boat coming to the nationals, but it is not being sailed by you know who. Keeping it a surprize, but the word is this old sailor is very competitive and has surprize everyone at his club with the speed he has gotten out of this clone of the Tupper-cow. Also, past National Champ Jim Scott is in the finishing stages of a new boat. I think this years nationals will be one of the most competitive titles for many years. Absolutely no one will be a stand out, and if the queenslanders and sandgroopers are to form this is going to be a battle to the last race. Can't wait!
Barry Pike21-Nov-2004    Edit    Delete 

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