National 125 Sailing Association

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does anyone have any photos of 125 #3059
G'day, my freind from school and I recently purchased allegro from the association and i was just wondering if anyone has a photo of it sailing just for intrest

Nick5-Sep-2005    Edit    Delete 
Re: does anyone have any photos of 125 #3059
This boat used to be owned by Nils Anderson. It is the distinctive orange hull with yellow sides and blue stripes. Peple may remember it from this description
Alison Penington5-Sep-2005    Edit    Delete 
Re: does anyone have any photos of 125 #3059
Nick I have video and maybe pics. Always a good idea to start with your state committee as we have alot of photos in the archives. feel free to contact me.
Barry Pike28-Sep-2005    Edit    Delete 

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