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Return to the Forum List Swing rudder | Hi all. New to 125 sailing. Come from a catamaran/trailer sailor background mostly.
Our recently purchased 125 has the traditional swing rudder, with a stainless steel bolt and washer holding it down. I believe that this is the usual set up.
To ease in lowering and raising, is it permitted to use a "Pull down Line" with tiller cleat to pull and hold the rudder in the down position. Rather than leaning over and putting a bolt with washer and nut on, while trying to keep the boat upright, going in the direction you want, and most importantly, not dropping the bolt, nut and/or washer in the drink!
I have seen the discussion on dagger rudder set ups. Having experience with daggers on the cats, I much prefer the swing design. (One of the reason we went for the 125, with swing centreboard.
I think from memory the Laser has a similar rudder, with a pull down line and tiller cleat. But cant be sure.
If I modify the rudder to have a pull down line and tiller cleat, would it still comply with the rules?
Has anybody ever built a 125 with a pull down line on the rudder?
Happy Sailing
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| Re: Swing rudder | Hi Phil
I can't recall seeing it done the way you mention, but if you wish to it doesn't contravene the rules, so long as you comply with the blade depth measurement , which is 680mm below the waterline extension at the transom. ensure it can pull the blade as vertical as possible, ideally slightly forward, and keep it in place.
Most newer 125s are going with drop style blades/boxes for easy launching and returning to shore in a seaway etc. I myself find this arrangement a huge improvement on the old swing style as it's simple and low maintenance.
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| Re: Swing rudder | Andrew i have a question on this
Can the rudder be any shape or design as long as it's that measurment is currect?
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| Re: Swing rudder | Hi Chris
There are measurements that can be followed in the downloads of the website. For memory the profile is open so long as it fits within the outlines given and doesn't exceed the 680mm mentioned previously. As always, read the rules before doing anything.
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| Re: Swing rudder | Where can i find these measurments? i'm keen to attempt to make my own
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| Re: Swing rudder | Chris. See the "information on 125s" pages. "Downloads" then "Rules of Measurement and Construction 2012" document for the dimensions regarding the rudder blade.
I have seen pull lines for the rudder blade on 125 in the past though not in recent years
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