National 125 Sailing Association

125 Discussion Forum

Please note: This forum is read by a wide group of 125 sailors.
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AUSTRALIAN 125 CHAMPIONSHIPS - Social Program Sneek Peek
Come up to sunny QLD this Christmas and participate in the 2013/14 125 Nationals. We have many events and activities organized to keep you entertained. To begin, we have a Pink dress up Charity Invitation race where all profits raised will be donated to charity so pack your pink get-up and you may be in the running to win a prize if you’re the “best dressed”.

We have all been wanting that new jib to make us go that little bit faster so join in on the auction night fun where there will be a brand new jib up for grabs. It will be measured and ready to use in the titles. If these events don’t excite you, you may enjoy the New Years Eve casino evening with the entertainment of a live band. If we still haven’t convinced you than maybe a dose of trivia will do the trick.

Hope to see you in QLD at Christmas! Don’t miss the excitement.

Jenny Anderson12-Aug-2013    Edit    Delete 

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