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Inboard Jib tracks
Hi all
I've been doing some tweaks to Atomic (3143) over winter and am now looking to update the jib track positions. I've been using the document available on the 125 website as a giude for getting the setup but before i commit to bolting them down just wanted to check that this configuration is still the latest thinking?
Would welcome any advice and comments
cheers Nick
Nick Holthouse1-Jul-2014    Edit    Delete 
Re: Inboard Jib tracks
Hi Nick
Great to hear your working on her over winter for the coming season!
Yes athwartship tracks are the way to go as it allows you to sheet as far inboard as possible (350mm from the centreline @ 1740mm from the bow) and as the breeze builds to sheet further out.
I have found that the position given in the document here is slightly too far aft and to get the right sheeting position means you have to lift the jib higher on the forestay. My advise would be to rig the boat with mast up and jib and then work out where exactly you need the track for/aft with the foot of the jib just kissing the top of the bow cover.
Also spend a bit of time getting the cleat heights right for your crew to allow I uncleating and cleating from the gunwhale.
Good luck with it and let us know if you have any more questions.
Andrew4-Jul-2014    Edit    Delete 

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