125 Discussion Forum
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Return to the Forum List 125 885 | hi all i am looking for 125 number 885..it was the first boat my father built and was wondering if anyone has seen it around the place...
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| Re: 125 885 | What state are you (were you)in when you sold it. This would be a good starting point. I may be on a state measurers records.
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| Re: 125 885 | It was sold in South Australia around 81/82...just before our first mirror..
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| Re: 125 885 | Your best bet is to contact Don Barnett, as he very well may have the boat on the records. At the very least he may have a record of the boat at a state titles. See the contacts page for SA to contact "Barney" (more than likely, he has seen this message).
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| | Re: 125 885 | She was called Freyon and was painted orange at one stage!
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| Re: 125 885 | there was 1 @ tcbyc called freya that was orange
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